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Top 3 reasons to get solar

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After years of installation experience, we’ve found there are three main reasons why people get solar. 

1. To reduce your energy bills

Tired of watching your power bills get higher and higher?

Installing solar can help! Solar saves you money by allowing you to produce your own electricity in the home. Any solar you use reduces the power that you have to buy from your provider. Better yet, any excess that you don’t require is exported to the grid and you get paid for it. This entire process happens seamlessly.

On average, our customers save $1,500 on their power bill a year.


2. To lower your impact on the environment

Are you looking for ways to live more sustainably? 

Solar power significantly lessens your impact on the environment by reducing your reliance on grid-supplied electricity. 

People often believe New Zealand’s national grid is pretty sustainable, but we still admit 4 billion kgs of C02 per year producing electricity. Electrification is also touted as one of the key ways New Zealand is going to reach net carbon zero, which means our demand for electricity will only increase from here.

Solar can step in and help us grow our energy generation and reduce emissions by generating electricity from a clean green renewable energy source. 

By installing solar, you can play your part and have certainty that your power comes from a renewable source. Using conservative figures, having your own solar system will save 630kg of CO2 every year. 

Our solar systems also come with monitoring software, allowing you to easily engage with how you’re using power and identify ways to reduce it.


3. To make your home more resilient

Worried about power outages? Does the lack of control over your power (and the prices charged for it) concern you?

Solar and battery storage makes your home more resilient by ensuring the power stays on in a power cut, enabling you to continue life as normal. By installing solar panels you also effectively lock in the price of your energy for at least the next 25 years, rather than relying on power companies who will continue to increase their prices. 

Whether all three reasons resonate with you or just one matters, we can design a system that matches your needs.

Ready to get solar? Fill out the form below and one of our team will get in touch with you to see how we can help. We provide a free proposal so you can see how solar will work for you.

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